Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ok, time to blog some more.

We have a few new assignments. One is a Red Barn park pamphlet, one is the october spread, and we also have a society of illustrators assignment. I have some pics for the october spread, 2 so far. As far as the red barn pamphlet is concerned, I'm not sure yet how I want to approach it, besides having a bank of photos to work with. We have a society of illustrators thing to do as well, and for that we had to present concepts. Mine is a zombie type of thing, since there are some really sweet zombie and horror illustrations out there. I want the illustration to be one of those horror, bright color, heavy stroke types of deals, with a cool headline that relates, maybe something about infection, or "you're next" or something about brains. Something awesome. We have the october spread due for this coming week, and for that i need to work with the "october" part and the pictures. hopefully i can come up with something pretty decent :) We also had to turn in one of the three professional photo things, and i turned in my ad. See midterm portfolio below for a visual :) People like the new october spread, for the big photo and the fading, not as much the red text and its placement, but they like the headline also.

Here's the first go at october

Here's the second one:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Ok I guess the midterm is finally here! I revised everything about 536 times so let's hope something's good!
I chose the Rapala ad, my three "choose your own photo" layouts, Shut Up and Dance, and How Safe.
How Safe:
Thoughts- I like this layout. It came pretty easily to me and I just had to tweak here and there. I think it's effective in grabbing attention and works well visually.
Production info: 4 color, 2 page spread, full bleed, 10x16, gilligan list

Thoughts-This one was kind of challenging for me because I'm not much of a fisher and there's a decent amount of copy. I tried incorporating some interesting typography and appealing imagery. This one took several revisions to get to the final point, but I think it turned out pretty well, and I worked hard to make the typesetting as good as possible.
Production info: 4 color, 2 page spread, full bleed, 11x17

Three photo layouts:
Thoughts--I'm happy with this ad. I decided to go with anthropologie's look (and brand) as my inspiration, because these elephants are something one might find in the store. I went with the clean look often present in anthro ads, with some items on the side that might be interesting to the same viewer. I like the cleanliness of this ad and I think it works well with the audience. Out of the three photo layouts, this one took absolutely the most revising.
Production Info: 2 page, 11x17, full color, full bleed
Magazine Spread:
Thoughts--This spread is called "The Joy of Candles" and talks about candles and their history and how wonderful they are. I think the typesetting went well for this ad and I'm happy with the headline and graphics. It went much better than the original rainbow striped version.
Production info: 4 color, 2 page spread, 11x17, full bleed
Thoughts--For the poster I chose to advertise for the International Ceramics Festival. My original layout looked nice but had no concept, so for my revision I had the challenge of coming up with the concept, and I chose finding inspiration, with a texture of words on either side that may be inspirations for people. I think it turned out well and it's visually interesting.
Production info: 13x19, full bleed, 4 color

Shut Up and Dance
Thoughts: I chose this poster because it looked decent and although it was just an exercise I actually spent a reasonable amount of time on it doing photoshop work and shooting photography. I thought it expressed the attitude of the event well.
Production info: 13x19, 2 color black and one PMS, no bleed, gilligan list.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

fish revision

This is the revision for my baitshop walls thang, and I changed everything but the image. I like the typography, and how the circle/O surrounds the lure! get excited!


So we had to pic a neat looking pic from somewhere, and I picked a fun little pic of cute elephant candle votive thingies. We were then told to use it on three different layouts, which sucks because my image is 72 ppi. EW. SOOOO, I am just working with what I've got. I emailed the artist and asked her for a larger image and no responses yet :( These layouts kind of took me forever, because I had to figure out what each thing was going to be about then I had to find copy about it and THEN think of a flippin design and THEN execute it. anyway, here's what I have.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I haven't been on the blog in a while I miss it! I don't have a couple of the layouts that should have been on here because I already revised them without saving my old drafts, so we'll just have to go with what I have now. I put up my final stress layout which pretty much sucks. I'll be sure and change that before portfolio review. I also have my two final food layouts, both of which I am actually pretty happy about! I decided to go in a somewhat different direction with the donuts and make cute illustrations instead of finding crappy photos. I think it turned out well, and i like my little crumbs and small touches like that. The how safe was pretty decent from the beginning but just needed some tweaking here and there. My final touch was to lead the main body copy to match with the height of the sidebar. Overall, I think they turned out well. For my fish one, The first draft was a drawing that was AWFUL and basically had to be completely trashed. We won't count that one. For the second one I found a badass fish picture and I wanted it to be big because it was so cool. I don't think that the headline is probably fully resolved yet but we can always fix that :D Overall, I think things are actually going pretty well as of now. Working hard, staying up late.